Servuli PatrickK Harri
Date of Birth 16th May 1972.
Having studied at Mweka Wildlife College Servuli gained a passion for conservation and wildlife and has dedicated his professional life to tourism.
Servuli joined Love Live Africa in 2007, the same year that the company was established. Married with 3 children (all girls!), Servuli has been working in the tourism industry for over 20 years. He participates in refresher courses on various topics on a yearly basis; reptiles, geology, astrology, photography and First Aid are just some of the more recent ones he has taken. He speaks fluent English, Spanish, Swahili and Iraqw and often goes on safari with Zoological groups from Australia and America.
Going on safari with Servuli is a great experience, not only has he got a wealth of knowledge about a range of subjects, he has a very good sense of humour and is totally committed to being a wonderful ambassador for Tanzania.